- nickwheeleroz / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA
Pros & Cons of Supplements
When supported by a healthy diet, supplements can be as powerful as medicine
Don’t have some of the negative long-term effects as meds
Not regulated by the FDA = quality varies significantly
More doesn’t mean better
Media oversimplifies research to give inaccurate messages
Nutrients and metabolic processes are more complex than supplementing with single nutrients (synergistic effect not always replicated in supplements)
Different schools of thoughts from experts and professionals lead to public confusion
Not everyone gets the same benefits from supplements
Fast Facts
What to look for: USP or NSF symbol, free of artificial colors
Brands I like: Designs for Health, Nordic Naturals, Carlson’s, Xymogen, Douglas Labs, Integrative Therapeutics, Metagenics
Ok brands: Kirkland, Nature Made
The Verdict on Popular Supplements
Omega-3/Fish oils – Everyone should take!
Probiotics – can be extremely effective for restoring good bacteria for digestive health but only when supported by prebiotics and taken in the right amount and right strains.
Joint and Muscle Supplements
Maca Root for fertility
Vitamins for kids
Vitamin D
Erin’s store of approved supplements: http://plateshaper.dfhealthestore.com/
Comprehensive resource to look up specific supplements and herbs: http://guides.library.harvard.edu/content.php?pid=18167&sid=1524001
Supplement regulatory organization that provides a list of NSF approved products and brands: http://www.nsf.org/consumer/