My Experience with Tim Arndt’s 14-Day Transformation: The first 6 days

“The scale MUST be broken.”  If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably thought this at some point.  Or, “my pants must have shrunk”.  Yes, that must be it and not the double cheeseburger, three glasses of wine, and half bag of Doritos or the missed workouts over the past week.  I thought this to myself this morning, after stepping on and off the scale three times, putting a dumbbell on the scale to make sure it was calibrated correctly, but I didn’t think the scale was broken for the usual reason that it hadn’t moved in the right direction.  It HAD moved and it moved a lot more than I expected!

Only six days into Tim Arndt’s 14-day Transformation and I’m down 4.5 lbs!  UNBELIEVABLE.  This was especially surprising since I’d missed three days of workouts from being sick and hadn’t been following the diet to a tee.

Sure I’ve read the amazing testimonials and received a few thank you messages from people since I created the meal plan for the program.  Tim and I team up to do a lot of work and we each stick with what we know and love: I do nutrition and he does fitness.  I know Tim knows his stuff and creates workout programs that produce results but this is just crazy.

I’m only half way through and I have some challenges ahead: keeping workouts a priority (which is getting easier because I like them so much), and travelling/vacation.  I’m excited to see what the next 8 days bring.  I don’t expect to lose 4.5 more lbs and don’t care if I do.  This program is about more than a physical transformation.  If you haven’t downloaded your free copy of Tim’s program, do so now!  If I can get these results while juggling work, my spouse working 70 hours/week, caring for my 5-month old daughter, searching for a new baby-sitter, getting sick, and preparing to go out of town for 2 weeks (aka regular every day life),  you can too!

Stay tuned to read about my full results next week …And share yours!

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